Sunday, 31 March 2013

DAY 1! and also maybe days 2-7...

 Well I finally made it! This is me, my mum, and Robert outside Buckingham Palace! It's so cold here - brrr!

Here is an old bus.

National Gallery! It's quite full of paintings. Beautiful paintings.

Hold on! Is that Big Ben? Heck yeah it is.

This is Regent Street. Just like in Monopoly! Lots of hotels on Regent Street.

 This is the fountain in Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is also in Monopoly.
 Those two.

 This is us at Westminster Abbey! It was raining on this day. And also on lots of other days as well.

Westminster Abbey

 Well I don't think I need to introduce this fine fellow.

 Oh Lizzie, hello! Tea you say? We can't right now. We're too busy and important.
 There are lots of gold things over here. 

 Wellington's Arch... Maybe.

 Robert and Mum walking to Hyde Park

Me when I got into Hogwarts. That's right, Hogwarts.