Thursday, 2 May 2013


Well here it is folks. We, of course, weren't allowed to take pictures, and they were yelling at people for it before it began and when it finished, but here are a few pics that Robert took super stealthily with his phone. 

Before it began, there would be all of these facts come up on the TVs! I learned lots of things which I promptly forgot. Then the screens said "Why aren't you at work?" because it was filmed at 3.30 in the afternoon you see and everyone laughed. What a good joke!

The stage manager then came out and told us where the fire exits are etc and informed us sitting in the middle that we would most likely burn as we are far from the exits. He was pretty hilarious!Then he introduced the warm up act... Stephen Fry! Eeee!

Stephen came out and sat in his chair then he recorded that thing for twitter with us. He is just so lovely! Then he introduced the guests - Ross Noble (I was like OMG this is already amazing), then David Mitchell (wow I am going to fall off my chair), Sue Perkins (I don't really know her too well, but turns out she is very funny!) and then Alan (he is the only one we got right when guessing who would be on. Lolzzz). 

They bantered for a while then it was, in the words of Stephen Fry "Time for the sexiest theme tune of all time".

 It was so great they actually play the theme tune in the studio when it begins and the video plays on those big screens. For some reason I thought they would just add the tune in in post production but they don't! It's all live!

And so the theme music played and we all clapped and cheered and then Stephen Fry was like "I've brought the wrong cards! I've brung the ones for the show later on!"

So someone had to run to his dressing room and find this shows ones! It was so funny. They all just told stories and bantered on the stage again until the person came back with the cards haha it took them ages too! Stephen got quite worried that he'd lost them!

So then we had to do the intro again, which I had no objection to as the theme tune is amazing. 

The I won't say what happened because you can watch the episode when it comes out! I think it will be the 5th episode of the K season. The theme was silent K.

 After the show finished they played the end theme tune and we clapped the whole way through then they had to rerecord a few bits. This was quite a funny thing to watch actually! We had to clap a lot and then Stephen would say the bit he needed to do again then after a pause, the guests would sarcastically answer the questions in funny ways. And they had to rerecord the goodbye bit because Stephen called Sue Perkins a knob gobbler or something and they wanted him to do it without that just in case it wouldn't be allowed! 

The guests also made Stephen Fry say "splendid vagina" a lot haha. I wonder what bits they will leave in and what they will edit out! Ross Noble was definitely the funniest - he did loads of funny things with the audience that they won't put in. He yelled at one woman for leaving before they had filmed the rerecording bits, and kept flashing his cleavage (or lack there of, being that he's a man) at someone in the front row. Can't wait to see the real show! 

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