Sunday, 29 September 2013


Another exciting day of wandering around, wohoo!! Inside the lobby of a very cool hotel I have forgotten the name of.


Inside the cooled shop ever!! So many cute things.


Off to Brooklyn!

This was my favorite thing I saw on the subway! We got off the train at the same station as well and watching him try to carry that trough the crowd was hilarious.

Mmmmmmm beer straight from the brewery. Delicious, but of course, not as good as Emerson's!

We walked back over the Williamsburg bridge!

This is a super cool deli in New York, wow! They filmed a scene of When Harry Met Sally in there and still have the table sign posted!

The Converse shop!

Obviously this person bought some new Converse shoes and kindly left his old ones to someone in need. It's not littering if you display them nicely and have good intentions...

Washington Square Gardens


The icon of gay liberation and the site of the Stonewall riots in 1969. Very cool to see!

The lobby of the Empire State.

So many nice colours!!

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