Sunday, 14 April 2013

Camden Market

On Saturday we went to Camden Market. It's in Camden. It rained the whole time we were there so I only got a few sneaky pics. It was a great market tho! It used to be a stable so there are lots of horse statues. Here is a horse head.

 Here is a wall of furious steeds.

 There were lots of cute wee places like this.

 This isn't a picture of that woman. It was just nigh on impossible to take pictures with no people in it!

 But sometimes I managed.

The busy food area. With food from every any country you want! I got doughnuts which are from.... ?

After Camden Market we needed to warm up our cold wet feet so we went to White City which is a big mall. It's just like any other mall. Except it has a strange ceiling. 

Here is another picture of the strange ceiling.

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