Wednesday, 17 April 2013


 Yesterday I went for a job interview at the cutest cake shop and cafe at Borough Market. They were lovely and I was one of the lucky 7 the whittled the 182 applications down to. It was only advertised for a few days too!  

Tomorrow I have another job interview at a funky cafe by Marble Arch (I get that Leonard Cohen song stuck in my head every time I say marble arch!) which I hope I get because they use Monmouth coffee which is YUM! And also they do festivals too so I would have double opportunities to work at festivals!

Anyways, so after my interview I wandered around London and stumbled upon them rehearsing for Margaret Thatcher's funeral. Here are some pics!


 These guys didn't need much practice to get it right.

 The oldies on the other hand didn't have quite the same military precision.

Gerry: "No, he said left foot, Bernard." 
 Bernard: "What did you say about harvesting sugarcane in Brazil?"

 This pigeon either had no sense of occasion, or was trying to show the olds how it's done by hopping from the top step to the very bottom then casually walking off.

 Queen Anne was keeping an eye on the proceedings. 

 They had all the security gates set up already. They are just pretending to be metal detectors I think. Because on the day I came from St Paul's station and didn't ever go through one! Perhaps they were just there for crowd control. Or maybe they are there to catch aliens. Or robots that live among us... Or wizards...

This is the Millennium bridge. They have fixed it now - it doesn't sway from side to side anymore. Which I have to say, I was a little disappointed about. 

That big building is that TATE Modern which we went to a wee while ago. We saw loads of amazing paintings by Monet, Picasso, Mondrian, Ernst, de Chirico, Lichtenstein ohmygosh the list goes on! And some things we saw were just plain odd. Like 2 chairs stacked on each other... Why?!
St Paul's from Millennium Bridge.

The London Eye! Which I am yet to have gone on.

Big Ben and Parliament.

Lastly I went and found the Old Bailey! Which I thought would be by Parliament and Scotland Yard for some reason, but in reality, is right by St Paul's. Where I started. Thank goodness for the Underground! 

P.S. The tube is real fun, but also terrifying. Some of the trains go ridiculously fast. It's like being in an airplane when it takes off on the runway! Zooooooooom!!

Check out this hooded figure on the Old Bailey! Scary! I wouldn't want to be a criminal and have to walk under that. Also, the Old Bailey is the building he blows up in V for Vendetta. But obviously, that's not why it's famous... *tumbleweed*

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